$350.00 AUD

6 monthly payments

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VIP UPGRADE [$115/MONTH for 6 MONTHS — 54% off our 1:1 rates!]

Enrol as a B.CC Honours Student! 
Have your work personally critiqued, reworked and improved by Alyce + the Bossy. team at two milestones: once after the tone of voice term, and once during the copywriting terms. We'll spend hours deep in your copy to make it the best it can be!

[IMPORTANT!] The upgrade amount will be charged separately. If you're paying via PayPal, you'll need to complete the enrolment order, then wait for a second checkout box to pay for the upgrade amount. 

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Bossy. Copy College — 6 month Payment Plan!

Enrol in Bossy. Copy College. Graduate with a stand-out brand and every single word you need to launch (or re-launch) with a bang. 💥

[IMPORTANT!] This is a self-paced course, with immediate access. You'll receive portal login details upon checkout.



  • [Bonus] Bossy. Tone of Voice Guidelines Deck so you can compile your own brand voice bible (in the course) that you’ll refer to daily. 
  • [Bonus] 30 open-me juicy subject lines that you can tweak, copy + paste and see epic open + click results for your own business. 
  • [Bonus] Marketing masterclass with Lala Social Club where you’ll learn the simple, actionable tips for building out a complete marketing strategy to get your brand out there.
  • [Bonus] Branding + design masterclass with Lala Social Club featuring expert advice from Rachelle on elevating your brand experience through visuals, for a full circle *brand*. 
  • [Bonus] Social media masterclass with Pep Creative on how to build a money-making social media strategy around your purpose and personal brand, 2022 style.
  • 12-months access to Bossy. Copy College: Everything you need to DIY your own bold brand voice + write every word needed to launch (or relaunch!) an ecomm or service business with a bang. 
  • Templates, tools + textbooks examples: Think brand-building templates, email flow frameworks, Insta content theme cheat sheets and Alyce’s examples of every step, to make DIY copywriting quick and easy.
  • The Dorm Room [Facebook group]: 12-months access to the FB community, so you can ask Alyce questions, get feedback on copy, give + receive advice and connect with other business owners. 
  • Monthly Q&A Class:  Join Alyce once a month for a group Q&A call, to ask questions about any term, lesson or copy you’re working through. 

You can read the Terms & Conditions here.

Refund policy: A full refund is available within 7 days of enrolling, providing you haven't logged into the portal. 

Need help? Email the Dean's Office at [email protected]